Grand Prairie Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization dedicated to promoting preservation and education of the regional heritage of Arkansas’s Grand Prairie. With quarterly programs in different venues, publication of the Historical Bulletin, and ongoing activities of preservation interest, the Society has added knowledge to the area’s historical record, and is now one of Arkansas’s oldest county historical societies.
Quarterly meetings featuring informative programs begin at 7:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October. The annual picnic is from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., prior to the July meeting at DeWitt. Dues are $25.00 per year, payable to Raeann Braithwaite, P. O. Box 15, Almyra, AR 72003; phone (870) 830-1425.
The Society provides the Historical Bulletin to its members twice yearly, in April and October. Single issues are $10.00 postpaid. Many back issues are available. Please direct correspondence regarding orders for current or back issues to Raeann Braithwaite, email:; phone (870) 830-1425. Manuscripts, photos, and other contributions should be sent to the editor: Glenn Mosenthin, 1024 Hope Lane, Searcy, AR 72143; email: hgmosenthin Manuscripts and images should be submitted in digital form if possible.
Join or Renew
$25 Basic, $50 Contributing, $100 Supporting
Contributing and Supporting members will be recognized in the Fall Bulletin.
Your donation of any amount will help us meet our goals to preserve and promote our Grand Prairie area history.
Memorials and honorariums are welcome and we will send an acknowledgement of your gift to the recipient.

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