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The Historical Bulletin was first published in 1958 by editor Boyd Johnson, making it one of the first county historical journals in Arkansas. The publication has received 27 awards from the Arkansas Historical Association for articles and overall presentation. The informative articles are an excellent resource for those researching the Grand Prairie region’s history.


Publication of the Grand Prairie Historical Bulletin has played a major role in achieving the society’s objective of collecting and preserving data on the early history of Arkansas County and the surrounding region. The award-winning journal has provided a vehicle for contributors to share diverse historical topics with current members as well as future generations.


We want your stories! The GPHS Historical Bulletin is published twice a year in April and October. Please submit your manuscripts, photos and other contributions, preferably in digital format, to the editor:

Glenn Mosenthin,


Visit our shop to purchase back issues. Click on the buttons below to download an index to the Historical Bulletin 1958 - 2023. The first page gives instructions for using the index and might prove helpful in determining which back issue to purchase. Some issues are no longer available in paper copy but the entire collection is available in digital format on a flash drive. Individual issues are also available as instant downloads.

- Select Articles from the Grand Prairie Historical Bulletin - 

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